Any person who own a swimming pool requires to comply with the pool safety standard in Part MP3.4 of the Queensland Development Code (the Building Act 1975 (Qld)) which primarily deals with swimming pool fences.
"A regulated swimming pool is any excavation or structure capable of being filled with water to a depth of 300mm or more including a pool, spa or wading pool, but generally does not include a fish pond (or similar ornamental water feature), dam, water tank, watercourse, spa bath in a bathroom (unless continually filled with 300mm or more of water) or birthing pool".
If you are purchasing a property with a swimming pool and there is no current Pool Safety Certificate or Exemption Certificate in place, the vendor must provide you with a Form 36 (Notice of No Pool Safety Certificate) before you sign the contract for purchase of this property which means that you will be responsible for obtaining a Pool Safety Certificate and pay for any works required to meet the standard of the Queensland Development Code (e.g. upgrading the pool barrier) within a period of 90 days after settlement.
Beware: fines apply for a failure to comply with the standard regardless of the stipulated 90-day period.